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      HomeProductsMarketing AutomationDigital Marketing: Definition, Strategies, and Successful Tips for Digitalization

      Digital Marketing: Definition, Strategies, and Successful Tips for Digitalization

      Before talking about digital marketing, do you know how long a person uses the internet every day? According to the Digital 2019 report, the world’s average internet user time is 6h 24m a day. Meanwhile, the most used applications are YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter in sequence.

      Based on this data, people use more than a fourth of their day to surf the internet. Therefore, digital marketing is the best option that can be used by businesses to market their products. In everyday life, we may see examples of digital marketing several times, but many do not realize that it is a form of digital marketing.

      Digital marketing is a new component of marketing that focuses on the newest digital technology to enhance marketing efforts. This is in comparison to the more conventional means of marketing that existed prior to technological breakthroughs.

      The Digital Marketing Course will assist you in creating your website and blog. Digital marketing is known to offer businesses and organizations many benefits, such as a cost-effective way of marketing, reaching out to a wider audience in less time, increasing traffic to their websites, earning more profits, and growing further in a rapid manner.


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        What is Digital Marketing?

        Digital marketing is the component of marketing that utilizes the internet and online-based digital technologies such as desktop computers, mobile phones, and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services. Thanks to the development of the internet and digitalization. Almost all businesses have used digital marketing as their marketing strategy to reach their consumers. 

        Digital marketing helps a business reach a wider audience than conventional methods. A digital marketing agency helps a business reach a wider audience than conventional methods.

        In addition, digital marketing is also more cost-effective and scalable when compared to traditional marketing methods. Businesses can also use integrated systems to make more accurate decisions with the support of the most advanced business management

        Digital Marketing Strategies

        Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

        SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a step to optimize the results of search engines, such as Google and Yahoo SEO so that our business ranks at the top of its search results. The advantage that we can get from SEO is the traffic on the website because it appears on the top page of Google.

        By optimizing website keywords with a rank tracker and doing full SEO, websites can easily appear on the first pages of search engines. However, the ease of using SEO can be moderate to difficult because Google’s algorithm affects the SEO results. 

        To do SEO, we need to use SEO tools or collaborate with an affordable SEO agency, such as Linkflow. The tool is a plugin on WordPress that can add multiple data at once so search engines can search for that on each blog post that you upload.

        The cost of using this SEO tool varies, ranging from free to paid, depending on what Saas SEO tool is used. In addition, the performance of SEO is long-term. Therefore, SEO or collaborating with SEO agency is very suitable for making consumers easily find our business on search engines.

        Content Marketing

        Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience –to drive profitable customer action. This strategy’s level of ease varies from easy to complex, depending on the type and content of the content we create.

        Likewise, the costs required to produce content marketing vary, depending on the content and tools used. At the same time, content marketing’s performance can take place in the short and long term. Content Marketing aims to increase brand awareness, traffic, and ultimately the number of customers.

        Marketing Automation

        Marketing automation is software that manages the entire process of marketing through a single platform automatically. Using marketing automation will make the business marketing process easier because the system does everything automatically.

        The cost required to perform marketing automation varies, depending on the software and services you want to use in the system. The performance of marketing automation is long-term, and marketing automation’s purpose is to save time, efficiency, and scalability. As agencies increasingly rely on diverse marketing strategies such as SEO, PPC, and social media marketing to drive client success, automated reporting for marketing agencies becomes crucial. It not only saves time but also offers comprehensive insights across all channels, enabling data-driven decisions and improved campaign performance.

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        Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

        Pay-per-click or PPC is an advertising step, where businesses only need to pay for the number of clicks from the ads placed. PPC can take advantage of various channels, such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or Sponsored Messages on LinkedIn.

        However, Pay-per-click is a little bit tricky and hard to use because we have to create ads that can attract consumers, and it takes quite a lot of time to monitor changes that can affect advertising. 

        To do pay-per-click, there is a cost that you need to prepare. The cost varies, depending on how much the maximum price per click bid you set. The higher the price bid you set, the more it will help your ad to a higher position. 

        The performance of pay-per-click itself is a short-term performance. PPC is very suitable for use if you have a limited advertising budget to set our advertising spending.

        Native Advertising

        Although rarely known, actually native advertising is one of the digital marketing strategies that we often encounter. Native advertising is the placement of paid content on a platform displayed in a form, function, and quality similar to the content on the platform where it is advertised. The goal is that the content seems to be part of the regular content in the media.

        The performance of native advertising is short-term. Implementation of this strategy is effortless because we pay for the cost of advertising. The price also varies, from $10-$200,000, depending on the ownership of the publication’s domain and its reputation. Native advertising is suitable for providing more attractive advertisements to reach consumers. 

        Affiliate Marketing

        Affiliate Marketing is a form of promotion by giving commissions to affiliate partners every time they sell a product. For companies, affiliate marketing is relatively easy to do. As for affiliate partners, it will be a little difficult because other affiliate partners will compete with each other.

        The costs that need to be incurred to run an affiliate marketing strategy are adjusted to the number of commissions and the number of sales successfully made by affiliate partners. Thus, the performance of affiliate marketing can be in the form of long-term and short-term performance. This strategy will be very suitable for companies that want to market their products more broadly achieving affiliate marketing success.

        Social Media Marketing

        Social Media Marketing is a marketing process carried out through social media, such as Instagram and Facebook. With the increasing number of social media users from various circles, there will be more potential markets that you can reach through social media.

        This strategy has become more complicated than imagined because we need to analyze our target market on certain social media. In addition, we must be able to determine what kind of content we want to create and upload.

        The costs required to do social media marketing vary, ranging from free to paid (depending on the tool and the ad’s reach). The performance of social media marketing is in the form of short-term and long-term. This type of strategy is suitable for obtaining a broader reach of consumers with a targeted business market.

        Also read: Marketing Campaign as the Key to A Successful Business

        Tips for Developing a Digital Marketing Strategy


        Determine the goals or objectives of the business

        Before deciding which marketing strategy we will use, business goals and objectives help us determine what our business wants to achieve first. What results do you want to get, and how many leads do you want to achieve, is our marketing aimed at getting sales, spreading information, or as a brand’s existence?

        Things like these must be taken into account to choosing the right digital marketing strategy. However, if you are unsure how to set goals and objectives for your business, you can hire a digital marketing consultant to discuss all the details of your digital marketing campaign.

        Related article: Marketing Plan is: An Important Role in Your Business

        Identify and understand target consumers

        Consumers are our most crucial marketing target. By knowing the target consumers, their criteria, and their desires, we can take advantage of the appropriate marketing strategy. The right digital marketing strategies will be effective in attracting consumers.

        Learn about competitors

        Competitors are something you cannot lose in business. Therefore, to optimize marketing strategies, we need to know who the competitors are. Also, the strengths and weaknesses of competitors compared to our business. Then, we can adapt their strength while using their weakness as a reference for business development to become much better than theirs.

        Focus on organic efforts with minimal cost first

        Using paid digital marketing media does promise better results when compared to free ones. However, that does not mean that free digital marketing media cannot give a good result. Try to focus on organic efforts and service optimization with minimum or cost-free first. The goal is to study advertising first and see the development of advertising through these platforms.

        Build communication and engagement

        Digital marketing, primarily through social media and email marketing, will build communication between businesses and consumers. Social media and email marketing, which are connected directly to the company website through CTA (Call to Action), will increase the company’s web traffic.

        That’s why it’s essential to make the company website as complete, neat, and attractive as possible. When it comes to email campaigns, it is crucial to have strong email deliverability and, therefore, successful email communication.

        Create informative and engaging content

        Marketing needs content in it. In digital marketing, the distribution of content will be easier because of digitization. You can distribute digital marketing content through social media, email, and even company websites and blogs. Specifically on blogs, copywriting with storytelling techniques can be used to attract consumers to read the content. The content created must be exciting and informative.

        The conversion results obtained through a free digital marketing strategy can later increase advertising reach through a paid digital marketing strategy. By using a paid plan, businesses will obtain more profits in marketing their products or services.

        Measure performance

        After applying a digital marketing strategy, it is necessary to monitor the performance of the ads that we have installed. The purpose of monitoring is to measure whether the marketing strategy that we install produces the results we expect or not. 


        Amid digitalization and the increasingly rapid internet development, businesses must follow these developments in their business activities, including marketing strategies. Therefore, digital marketing applications are beneficial in these developments. Furthermore, various digital marketing strategies tailored to the company’s business needs will bring many benefits to the business in the company’s marketing aspect.

        Simplify your business’s digital marketing strategy with Marketing Automation Software from Hashmicro. Integrate email and Whatsapp, create attractive emails with interactive building blocks, know the performance of each campaign, and see open rates, click rates, bounce rates, and more through reports that can be configured easily in one system. Sign up for a free demo right now!


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        Chandra Natsir
        Chandra Natsir
        A content writer with a strong interest in writing and technology. Chandra is dedicated to writing useful, entertaining, and relevant information for readers, and he continues to develop content that connects and inspires them.

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