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      HomeIndustriesHashMicro X Kampus Merdeka: Virtual Campus Hiring

      HashMicro X Kampus Merdeka: Virtual Campus Hiring

      Thursday (15/7), HashMicro held an online webinar entitled ‘HashMicro Virtual Campus Hiring.’ HashMicro is currently registered as one of the partners of the Kampus Merdeka program of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka aims to encourage students to master various disciplines that will be useful for them when they enter the workforce later on. This concept aims to provide flexibility for students to study outside the campus.

      The speaker for this webinar is Lusiana Lu HashMicro’s Business Development Director. With the theme of the technology industry, especially ERP, this event was also hosted by HashMicro’s Marketing Executive, Syifa Fadiyah. The implementation of this activity is also inseparable from the support from HashMicro’s partner universities, namely Padjadjaran University, Satya Wacana Christian University, Kalimantan Institute of Technology, Perbanas Institute and Bina Nusantara University, who helped organize this event.

      HashMicro is currently opening an internship program and will accept around 200 participants in one batch. Students will fill several positions, namely ERP Implementation Intern, Product Development, Python Programmer, Business Development, Start-up Development Intern, Digital Marketing Specialist, SEO Specialist, Social Media Specialist, Content Writer, and Graphic & UI/UX Designer.

      The first session of this campus hiring webinar explained HashMicro’s history and the industry that supports it, how the work culture in the company, and a more detailed explanation of the positions opened. The topic was chosen with HashMicro’s role as an ERP solution provider company in transforming client businesses and explaining how promising the ERP industry is as a career choice in the future.

      According to Lusiana Lu, the ERP sector promises high incomes and global exposure, which will bring more experience in terms of new skills and languages ​​to prepare them to compete in the world of work, especially internationally. It’s also a great learning experience and the opportunity to explore other industries with solid knowledge and experience. The ERP industry will boom in time. Therefore students must be prepared because the prospects for a career in this sector will mushroom, and the level of competition will also be fiercer.

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      As an intern at HashMicro, students will feel real work responsibilities and be directly involved in dynamic projects. As a result, they can develop their respective technical abilities and soft skills during the internship program. At the end of the internship period, students who show exemplary performance will also have the opportunity to get positions as permanent employees.

      This webinar was attended by participants from various universities spread throughout Indonesia and have different majors ranging from Management, Accounting, and Engineering, to Information Technology. The second part was followed by a question and answer session where the webinar participants showed high enthusiasm, mainly when they collected various questions, ranging from topics related to presentations delivered previously to the mechanics of the internship program itself.

      Seeing the high response from the webinar participants, HashMicro decided to hold the HashMicro Virtual Campus Hiring II again on Thursday, July 22, 2021. The topic of discussion at this event was more or less the same as what was said before, namely around the work environment at HashMicro, career prospects, and the internship selection process. These two events are expected to be helpful for the audience, especially those who desire to have a career in IT, especially ERP. You can try the HashMicro ERP by sign up for the free demo!

      Anatha Ginting
      Anatha Ginting
      A full-time Content Writer at HashMicro. Strive to develop my writing skill and knowledge in terms of business, technology, and other relevant issues.

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