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      HomeProductsInventoryThe Importance of Agriculture Supply Chains Management System

      The Importance of Agriculture Supply Chains Management System

      One of the industries that became a big business opportunity in Southeast Asia is the agricultural industry. The agricultural industry is an economic sector that employs most people in Asian countries. In addition, this industry is also an important source of food and income for many people.

      Investing in the most advanced agriculture supply chain system will be one of the effective strategies for you to optimize the management of your agricultural products. The supply chain plays an essential role in the progress of your agricultural business.

      Therefore, you need the best supply chain management software to help track the availability of agricultural products and make low-risk inventory adjustments. To support the smooth management of complex agricultural supply chains, HashMicro has provided the best solution for supply chain management.

      Furthermore, this software has complete features and benefits to answer all the problems you encounter in supply chain traceability in the agricultural business. This article fully summarizes HashMicro’s supply chain management system and its benefits for your agricultural business. Check out the article below!

      Key Takeaways

      • Efficient supply chain management is essential for optimizing agricultural business operations due to the complexity and fragmentation of the supply chain structure.
      • HashMicro offers a comprehensive supply chain management system tailored to address traceability issues in the agricultural sector, utilizing advanced technology to simplify complex processes.
      • HashMicro’s SCM system seamlessly integrates with other systems such as CRM-Sales, procurement, inventory management, and transportation management, enhancing overall operational efficiency.
      • Investing in advanced supply chain systems can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of agricultural businesses, offering benefits such as increased visibility, automation, and integration with other systems.

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        Why Choose HashMicro Supply Chain Management System?

        Doing business in the agricultural industry is not easy. Moreover, agricultural foods have been expected to continue to increase every year. This has led to the supply chain structure evolving towards increased fragmentation and complexity in your company. Therefore, you must ensure that the management of the agriculture food supply chain runs smoothly.

        HashMicro has designed the best solution to address the lack of traceability in the agriculture industry. In addition, HashMicro’s supply chain management technology is the latest system used to simplify complex agriculture supply chain management. The complexion is the reason for the slow pace of business processes in agriculture.

        Therefore, the most refined SCM system is here to help you in planning and managing the agriculture supply chain efficiently. HashMicro’s SCM software also provides the latest and most complete features that help increase visibility and analyze all supply chain activities in your agricultural business.

        Using this software, you can get accurate data that helps your company’s every decision. That way, you get added value and more advantages compared to competitors. Furthermore, The system has a user-friendly design and is easy to customize according to changes that occur in the market.

        Using the outstanding SCM software from HashMicro, all supply and demand management becomes more effective. To learn more about HashMicro, you can use HashMicro Software SCM pricing scheme calculation. To find out the problems you often face in the agricultural industry, you can access the article below.

        Benefits of HashMicro’s Agriculture Supply Chains Management System

        benefits of agriculture supply chain

        One of the essential things in developing the agricultural industry is the supply chain management system. Using the right system, you will get a series of excellent benefits to overcome all problems in supply chain management activities.

        In addition, HashMicro has designed the best SCM system that can increase the efficiency of your agricultural business activities automatically. Here is a complete guide to the benefits of HashMicro’s SCM system for the agricultural industry:

        1. Increase efficiency

        HashMicro’s supply chain application is complete with the best benefits for your agricultural business. The most significant benefit you will feel from using this software is the increased efficiency of business activities through automatic supply chain management.

        The increase of efficiency in your supply chain structure can significantly reduce complex constraints. In addition, the smooth supply chain process in your agricultural business can make it easier for you to meet customer demands well. 

        2. Warehouse management under control

        The second benefit of HashMicro’s supply chain management technology is the ease of controlling your warehouse management. With this system, you can manage supply chain management by automatically supervising agricultural products in the warehouse.

        Furthermore, supply chains in various warehouses are also controlled with minimal human error. Now, you don’t need to take long to manage stock transfer and check agricultural products. 

        3. On-Time delivery

        HashMicro is the best cloud-based supply chain software, provider. With the help of cutting-edge technology, this can automate the entire supply chain cycle in your agricultural business. That way, you can send farm produce quickly and on time. Your delivery is also more optimal so that agricultural operations can run smoothly and profitability increases. 

        4. Sales predictions

        Another benefit you get from HashMicro’s supply chain system is the advantage of predicting sales. This system can generate sales forecasts to adapt to the changing market.

        With this analysis, you can devise the best strategy to increase sales of your agricultural products. That way, you can estimate customer needs and demands, thus increasing your company’s profits.

        Also read: Tips for Controlling the Frozen Food Supply Chain In Your Company!

        What are the Features of the Best SCM System?

        HashMicro’s agriculture supply chains software has the best advantages over other providers to help your agricultural business. You can get these advantages by using the complete features of HashMicro.

        You can choose the fully-featured supply chain management system from HashMicro that already guarantees the features of its choice, so you don’t have to worry. To find out more about the features available in the HashMicro SCM system, see the explanation below!

        • Inventory management: This feature can help you track the availability of agricultural products in the warehouse. You can automate the manual adjustment of goods with an automated SCM system, minimizing risk.
        • Procurement management: HashMicro’s SCM system can set a notification schedule for the amount of your farm product inventory. That way, your stock of agricultural products is controlled, and your sales can run smoothly.
        • Order management: This feature helps make it easier for you to track and fulfill customer orders automatically. In addition, you can also reduce supply chain constraints and fulfill orders quickly.
        • Shipment tracking: You can use this feature to track the location of the courier who is delivering your farm products. This feature is essential for optimizing your agriculture supply chains to ensure all orders you have delivered on time. That way, you can increase customer satisfaction and sales of your products.
        • Return management: Sometimes, you will find customers who return your farm products for some reason. With this feature, you can effectively manage the return process. You can also update your farm stock in real time.
        • Planning and forecasting management: HashMicro’s SCM system provides the best features for predicting the sales of your agriculture business. Thus, you can also obtain the correct amount of stock in the future by analyzing company data.

        Supply Chain Management System Integration

        scm integration

        The development of increasingly advanced technology has made many software providers compete to provide the best supply chain system facilities. HashMicro also continues to innovate and add better SCM software advantages compared to other software companies.

        HashMicro’s SCM software is constantly updated and improved according to technological changes. Therefore, HashMicro is the best choice for optimizing your agriculture supply chain management. One of the other advantages of a supply chain management system is integrating it with other systems.

        Here is a list of systems that integrate directly with HashMicro’s greatest SCM system for the efficiency of your agricultural business.

            1. CRM-Sales System: HashMicro’s agriculture supply chains management software is directly integrated with the CRM-Sales system. This integration can make it easier for you to make sales orders and quotations from agricultural products.
            2. Procurement system: Procurement is one of the essential things in the agriculture supply chain system. Using HashMicro’s SCM system, you can integrate with the procurement system to easily set the approval matrix. Thus, you can also make purchase orders and recurring purchase requests automatically.
            3. Inventory management system: In the agricultural business, you certainly have to ensure the availability of your agricultural products so as not to hinder your sales. Therefore, you need an inventory management system. HashMicro also provides integration between these systems to assist you in organizing products.
            4. Transportation management system: HashMicro’s SCM system also integrates with the transportation management system. This integration can also make it easier for you to manage cargo and delivery time effectively. That way, you don’t have to worry about order delays that can reduce customer satisfaction.


        The agriculture industry is an economic sector that employs most of the world’s people and is a significant source of food and income for many people. Investing in the most advanced agriculture supply chain system will be one of the most effective strategies for you.

        To support the smooth management of complex agriculture supply chains, HashMicro has provided the best solution in supply chain management software. HashMicro’s SCM software also provides various benefits and the latest and most complete features.

        These features can help increase your agriculture business’s visibility and complete analysis of all supply chain activities. The most significant benefit you will feel from using this software is the increased efficiency of business activities through automatic supply chain management.

        One of the other advantages of HashMicro is the most refined SCM system that integrates with other HashMicro systems. That way, you don’t have to worry about obstacles that occur in your agriculture supply chains. Immediately switch to HashMicro and get the best agriculture SCM software. Contact us now and get a free demo!


        HashMicro is a software development and enterprise resource planning (ERP) company. Consequently, we often provide articles about ERP and other systems that all businesses need.

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