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      HomeProductsHRMTypes of Workers and the Right Way to Determine Them

      Types of Workers and the Right Way to Determine Them

      In a state, workers are the biggest contributor to the economic system. There are many types of workers in many countries. It happens because workers are directly involved in producing goods or services that can affect the economy so it has a positive impact on the development of a country.

      Therefore, people involved in the production process of a good or service to move the economy either directly or indirectly are workers. To manage workers and employees, you can use the HR system from HashMicro. With this system, you can manage HR tasks and employee administration automatically.

      In addition, you can also calculate salaries, manage employee attendance, and other operational activities through a complete system for enterprises in Singapore. However, each workforce is different and has its type based on several aspects.

      Key Takeaways

      • Workers play a crucial role in the economic system of a country by directly contributing to the production of goods and services, thereby positively impacting its development.
      • Utilizing an HR system like HashMicro can streamline HR tasks and automate employee administration, including salary calculation, attendance management, and other operational activities.
      • Workers can be classified based on traits (physical and spiritual), abilities (educated, trained, uneducated), types of work (field, factory, office), and relation with the product (direct, indirect).
      • Workers are pivotal for driving economic growth, and understanding the various types of labor is essential. Efficient worker management contributes to business success.
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        Types of Workers

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        A worker has criteria, namely productive age or working age between 18 years to 64 years. Each worker will be divided based on aspects, including:

        1. Types of workers by trait

        According to the trait, workers are divided into two, namely physical workers and spiritual workers.

        • Physical workers are workers who use energy to complete work rather than brain and mind intelligence. There are very many workers of this type when compared to workers who use brain and mind intelligence.
        • While spiritual workers rely on brain and mind intelligence rather than the energy in completing work, usually, these workers are in a clean work environment, formal appearance, and are polite.

        2. Types of workers by ability

        When viewed from the ability, workers are divided into three types: educated, trained, and uneducated.

        • Educated workers have high education. Usually, at least they have a bachelor’s degree. Examples of educated workers are teachers, doctors, engineers, architects, lecturers, and many more.
        • Trained workers are workers who rely on special abilities to complete their work. Usually, these workers do not require a high level of education. Therefore they only need a good grasp or skill. For this reason, this type of workforce requires special training or experience to start working. Examples such as bus drivers, musicians, and others.
        • Uneducated workers are workers who do not require a high educational history and also special abilities. Usually, this type of workforce is a graduate of elementary or junior high school. However, these workers certainly have functions and services in their respective fields. They work only by using energy. The most common example is labor.

        3. Types of workers by types of work

        From the aspect of the type of work, workers will be divided into three groups, namely:

        • Field workers are workers whose duties are in the field or who participate directly in their work. Usually, the workers who enter this type are sales or people who carry out installations in the field.
        • Factory workers are workers who work in a factory. This workforce is usually directly participating in the production process by using various tools and machines as assistance. For example, a factory worker who works at a production site.
        • Office workers are workers who work in a company or office agency. They are usually people with higher education and special abilities. For example, workers in administration, HR, accounting, and others.

        4. According to the relations with the product

        From the relationship with the product, labor is divided into two types, namely:

        • Direct workers are workers who participate directly in handling a product or item. This workforce is usually located in the production area of ​​a product.
        • Indirect workers are related to the product but do not participate directly in handling the product. They are usually the people behind the scenes in marketing or selling a product.

        The Right Way to Determine Workers

        To determine workers, you can do the following ways:

        1. First, carry out workforce planning in certain positions or positions that suit the needs of the company.
        2. See the workforce plan of the company’s leadership to be a reference in determining the planning of the employee recruitment process for the next period.
        3. Determine the planning period in one year to make it easy to plan because it is not too long.
        4. Carry out the implementation of the recruitment process in positions or positions that the company needs.
        5. Store employee candidate data. It is essential when the company needs employees for a position and already has candidate data. For example, you can get candidate data from the recruitment process that has occurred previously, prospective employees that you think are potential you can save the data.

        Improve the quality of employees with a Competency Management System to conform to the standards desired by the company. This system provides benefits including improving staff skills, developing employee potential, efficient HR Planning, and measuring the performance of each employee quickly and accurately.

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        Workers or labor is an essential component in driving the economy of a country. There are many types of labor from several aspects. Some aspects such as traits, ability, type of work, and others.

        In addition, you also need to know the right way to determine workers. Workers are also an important factor in the success of a business or employee. The more developed a business or company, the more employees in it.

        Simplify the process of managing and assessing the performance of each employee of your company using EVA Talent Management from HashMicro. With this system, you can monitor and maximize the efficiency of the overall assessment of the student.

        In addition, you can find out the potential of employees easily and accurately to maximize employee work performance. Schedule a free demo now to implement this system in your company immediately.


        Chandra Natsir
        Chandra Natsir
        A content writer with a strong interest in writing and technology. Chandra is dedicated to writing useful, entertaining, and relevant information for readers, and he continues to develop content that connects and inspires them.

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