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      HomeProductsHRM5 Simple Tips to Achieve Work-Life Balance

      5 Simple Tips to Achieve Work-Life Balance

      Work-life balance is a dream for most employees in the world. Unending work and the client who keeps you under pressure every single minute make it harder for you to achieve the dream of work-life balance.

      That’s why a lot of workers get a lot of stress, are unable to perform well and disrupt their relationships with their families. Not only that, failing to balance work and personal life will eventually affect mental health.

      That’s why it’s important for every employee in the world to achieve a work-life balance. So, what is the best way to maintain the balance between both worlds? Read along to know the answer to this question.

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        What is work-life balance?

        According to Wikipedia, work-life balance is a condition where professional life, personal life, and family life are in a state of equilibrium. For example, a mother has to be able to balance the time between work and taking care of her children.

        Preserving a balance between work and personal life is not a trifling matter. A lot of workers in major cities such as Jakarta and Singapore fail to achieve this because they get too absorbed in their professional lives. In the end, they don’t have enough time to play with their children or do their hobbies because they’re already too tired when arriving at home.

        5 Simple tips to maintain the balance between work and personal life

        1. Tone down your perfectionist traits

        Being a perfectionist is not wrong if you only strive to give the best when doing your job. But if your pursuit of perfection starts to affect your work hours, that’s a clear sign you have to stop being a perfectionist.

        Humans will always make mistakes from time to time. So it’s normal if you make one or two mistakes when doing your job. But, by doing so, you can feel more relaxed and stress-free.

        2. Learn to say “no”

        One of the hardest things to do is say no to other people, moreover, if the person is your boss. But, this is the main reason why your work keeps piling up and up you can’t say no to your coworker to help them do their jobs.

        If your boss asks you to complete a task beyond your working hours, you need to check first whether this task is urgent or not. If it’s not urgent, politely ask your boss to do it tomorrow instead of finishing it tonight.

        3. Set your priorities

        One of the reasons you fail to balance your professional life and personal life is that you’re unable to set your priorities straight. Check again how often you do things unrelated to your jobs during work hours.

        Checking personal Facebook or Instagram, watching YouTube videos, or playing games during work hours is a sign you are still unable to set the correct priorities in your professional life. Try to reduce those activities during work hours so you can focus more on your job. For that, you can buy YouTube video shares to increase the number of organic followers and concentrate more on producing quality content.

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        4. Leave your jobs at the office

        The other reason why your dream of work-life balance never gets fulfilled is that you are still doing your work at home. This will reduce the time you have to spend with your beloved families and children.

        That’s why you need to maximize your time in the office. Try to finish your job during work hours. Spend less time fiddling with your cell phone or joking around endlessly with your coworkers, so you can spend more time resting at home or playing with your children at home.

        5. Support your employee

        The last tips are special for managers, directors, or the HR department in your office. Give yourself a chance for your employees to achieve a work-life balance.

        Build a healthy organizational culture such as coming to the office on time, and shutting down the electricity or internet connection beyond a certain hour to force your employees to go home and rest. Because forcing to work while your body is tired is not productive.


        Achieving a work-life balance is not only your employee’s responsibility, but the company also needs to support their employees to achieve it. By doing so, your employees’ productivity will increase significantly and the stress level can be lowered to the minimum.

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