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      HomeProductsHRM6 Tips to Recover Your Productivity After a Long Holiday

      6 Tips to Recover Your Productivity After a Long Holiday

      You are not alone if you feel lethargic and lack productivity after a long holiday. This is probably because you miss those happy moments. You were too busy to relax, try ethnic cuisine, sleep in a comfortable hotel bed, enjoy fun activities, and wish it lasted forever.

      But, at the end of the day, you should go back to your normal life, and your bulk schedule starts to haunt you. Instead of feeling in full gear to start the day, you feel unmotivated, even mental burnout.

      Moreover, WFH or Work from Home implementation during this pandemic tends to decrease productivity. To restore your productivity during WFH, you can use HashMicro’s most complete Web-Based ERP application. You can integrate the application with WhatsApp with a fast implementation process.

      Therefore, this article will give you 6 useful tips to recover your productivity after a long holiday to save you from that.

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        1. Don’t go back to work immediately

        Everyone needs some time to adjust to their normal routine after returning from vacation. So, if possible, take a day or two off as your preparation to go back to work. You can spend your day making up your home, unpacking your belongings, or other things. Just focus on getting used to your normal routines. If not, you can experience stress on top of fatigue while you work.

        2. Create a to-do list

        Spare your time a day or the morning before you work to plan what you’re going to do on the first day. Create a to-do list that contains activities that you are going to do in the office. It helps you to prioritize the tasks you must do.

        Start with the old tasks that you have not finished when you were leaving for a holiday. It gives you a sense of normality when you have your routines back. You might be tempted to start a project as soon as you sit on your desk, however, it’s not recommended.

        You will feel overwhelmed and tired before lunch. Do the tasks that you know how to and require less time. Small tasks can build your confidence. Do not rush.

        Additionally, as the owner of the company, you can use timesheet software to track the use of employee time on each project more easily. Furthermore, the software also helps schedule certain tasks and meetings for employees automatically.

        3. Bring your holiday to the office

        The souvenirs that help you recover your productivity are your vacation memories. One of the fatigue remedies is reminiscing delightful moments that you spent with your family or friends.

        You can frame your holiday picture on your desk or you can set up a diffuser with oils that remind you of the places you visited. It gives you back the positivity that can boost your energy to get through the day.

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        4. Interact with your co-worker

        There will be some of your co-workers asking you about your holiday. This is the perfect chance to normalize the office nuances. You can talk about the vacations even the details.

        To avoid a sense of bragging, ask them about their holiday. You will be surprised to see how people love to talk about their experiences. Those types of light conversations can help strengthen the friendship bond in the office.

        5. Have a quick rest

        Our brain is incapable of staying focused on working on the same task for a long period, especially after a holiday. Your brain might wander around hence decreasing your productivity.

        To avoid this, take a short break of 2 to 5 minutes to reset your brain. Set a timer to remind you for a quick rest. You can exercise deep breathing, resperate deeply, stretch your body, or walk around your office.

        6. Gather round with your team

        Have a meeting but not a serious and formal one. Make it casual instead. This activity will help you be productive and prioritize tasks. It’s really important to disentangle the team from confusion after leaving work for quite long.

        Moreover, you can enhance team cohesion and trust. Going back after a long holiday can be challenging sometimes. However, of course, it’s not that difficult. There are ways to solve it and find your normal work pattern all over again.


        Returning to work after the holidays can be difficult. However, it is not as difficult as you might think. Over time, you’ll return to your normal work patterns and will no longer feel burdened by the work you’ve left behind.

        HashMicro’s HRM Software improves your performance and assists you with HR tasks and employee administration. Manage leave and attendance lists, reimbursement processes, and other operational activities beginning with salary and PPh 21 calculation. Schedule a free demo now to experience the transformational power it brings to your operations.

        Syifa Fadiyah
        Syifa Fadiyah
        In my role as a content writer, I regularly produced a few articles to assist businesses in need of a system. In addition, I authored a few helpful articles that are related to the method that businesses use.

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