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HomeProductsCRM-LeadsThe 10 Best Lead Management Software in 2024

The 10 Best Lead Management Software in 2024

The 10 Best Lead Management Software in 2024 Generating and pursuing leads is often a very tedious job, one that has a high risk of not succeeding. But what if there is a way for you to convert more qualified leads with less work? Thankfully, it is achievable with the help of Lead Management Software.

Lead management is usually a part of a more extensive software system called Customer Relationship Management (CRM), a tool that helps businesses manage their potential and regular customers.

As the name suggests, CRM lead management allows the company to figure out prospective clients and which channel the team should approach these leads. Many companies nowadays manage their leads automatically with software to save a considerable amount of time and energy. 

If you are still unsure that automating your leads management is a good move for your company, you might want to look at how Lead Management System can solve the problems surrounding leads.

Losing leads because of a better prospect is disappointing, but losing leads because of your ineffective sales lead management system is frustrating. The latter is surprisingly not rare, primarily when a business generates leads rapidly.

If you don’t have a cohesive tracking system, your team might forget to follow up on a lead. Without CRM lead management, sorting out high-quality leads is exhausting and time-consuming.

You need a management system to filter the promising leads from the less promising ones to have higher conversion rates. These are only two main problems that all Lead Management Software could solve. With that said, let’s look at how these top 10 software providers can solve lead management problems in their way. 


What is Lead Management Software?

Lead management software is software designed to help companies manage the prospect or potential customer management process from beginning to end. The software can assist in managing prospects from collecting prospect information to converting prospects into actual customers.

The primary function of lead management software is to automate and optimize the prospect management process so that the sales team can focus more on important tasks such as building relationships with customers and making sales. The software can help speed up the sales cycle, increase efficiency, and improve prospect quality.

Features of Lead Management Software


The reporting feature of lead management software enables businesses to assess the correlation between their endeavors and the returns generated from valuable leads, while also pinpointing behavioral trends that yield favorable outcomes. This function facilitates the measurement, supervision, and enhancement of performance. Thereby, empowering companies to maintain a competitive edge in their field.

Automated data collecting

Automated data collection stands as a prominent feature within the software. After all, businesses leverage diverse marketing avenues such as social media, company websites, chat platforms, blogs, email marketing, contests, research and surveys, polls, and offline strategies to gather valuable data. This feature streamlines the process of accumulating information from multiple sources, facilitating comprehensive lead profiles and enriched insights for more effective decision-making.

Sales funnel

The sales funnel functionality serves as a pivotal feature geared towards the ultimate goal of converting leads into customers. As businesses strive to outpace competition and optimize resource allocation, time management emerges as a critical factor influencing the conversion process. The efficiency gained through streamlined lead evaluation translates to saved time and resources, directly impacting a company’s bottom line. By employing intelligent lead filtering and assessment methods, a robust sales funnel is cultivated, guiding leads through a well-structured journey towards successful conversion.

Task management

This feature stands out as it is crucial within lead management software. In this context, the prompt handling of incoming leads is of paramount importance. Just like the urgency of swiftly consuming perishable raw food, leads demand swift and immediate action to prevent their potential from deteriorating over time. Thus, the software ensures the seamless transition of leads to subsequent stages, akin to preserving the freshness of perishables.

Leads monitoring

Leads monitoring is facilitated at a subsequent level, enabling the scheduling of specific actions on designated dates and times, while also keeping tabs on progress. This feature aids the team in efficient daily planning and prevents the need for excessive oversight. Integrating with the calendar, scheduling serves as reminders for various tasks, such as call responses, pending actions, follow-up calls, or even arranging one-on-one meetings, among other functionalities.

Benefits of Lead Management Software

In addition to improved lead quality, lead management software can also help businesses streamline their sales processes and improve their overall efficiency. With lead management, or lead tracking software, businesses can track and manage their leads more effectively, reducing the time and effort required to convert leads into customers.

This software can also automate many of the repetitive and time-consuming tasks associated with lead management, such as lead scoring, lead nurturing, and lead assignment, freeing up sales teams to focus on more strategic activities.

Why Lead Management System?

Lead management software is important for businesses because it can help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their lead management process. With lead management software, businesses can automate the process of collecting and organizing leads. Moreover, with this lead tracking software, businesses can track and analyze their behavior, making it easier for sales teams to manage their time and efforts.

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How to Choose the Best Lead Management Software?

Choosing the best lead management software for your business requires careful consideration of several factors. Here are some steps to guide you in choosing the best lead management software:

  1. Define your requirements: Start by identifying the specific needs of your business, such as the number of leads you handle, the type of leads you collect, and the level of automation you require.
  2. Consider ease of use: Look for lead management software that is intuitive and easy to use, with a user-friendly interface that will require minimal training for your staff.
  3. Check for integration: Ensure that the lead management software integrates with other tools and software that you use, such as CRM or marketing automation software, to avoid duplication of effort and data.
  4. Look for customization: Choose a lead management software that allows customization to match the unique needs of your business.
  5. Check for reporting and analytics: Look for software that provides detailed reporting and analytics on your leads’ behavior, allowing you to make data-driven decisions.
  6. Consider security and compliance: Ensure that the lead management software is secure and complies with relevant regulations, such as GDPR or HIPAA.
  7. Evaluate pricing and scalability: Consider the pricing and scalability of the lead management software, ensuring that it is within your budget and can accommodate your business’s growth.

By considering these factors, you can choose the best lead management software for your business, enabling you to manage your leads more efficiently and effectively, leading to increased sales and revenue.

10 Lead Management Software in Singapore

1. Hashmicro’s CRM Lead Management

lead management software

HashMicro Lead Management System is one of the best CRM software providers in Singapore because it offers the most comprehensive CRM system with beneficial features. It offers all the organizing help you might need to improve your team’s performance, such as meetings, tasks, call logs, and updates.

Know your team’s progress collectively and individually, and get notified when your salesperson scores a sale. With a configurable sales workflow, you won’t need to hire an IT team over and over again to configure your software because your user can organize sales stages by just dragging and dropping. 

HashMicro Lead Management Software is equipped with comprehensive analytics features. Whether it’s sales reports, team performance, or profit and losses, all of them can be updated in real-time. It can generate reports from sales and campaign performance in just a few seconds so you can make smarter business decisions.

One distinction that HashMicro has is that it separates the CRM module into two, one for sales and one for leads. The CRM-leads module is used to manage leads before they become a customer, but once the lead becomes a customer, the sales orders and questions, price lists, and sales commissions will be automated by the CRM-sales module.

2. Pipedrive

Another common problem companies face when dealing with leads is their inability to nurture them. An instant sale from a lead is rare, and those usually happen if the leads have done prior research on your company. Most leads require more convincing through further engagement from your sales team.

This is where Pipedrive’s CRM software comes in. This software enables you to nurture leads by automating manual work, monitoring multiple sales strategies, and forecasting leads. Additionally, Pipedrive offers a detailed view of lead data which you can organize into segments by location, communication history, and buyer behavior. 

Measuring qualitative data will also be easier with the help of CRM lead management software like Pipedrive. You can prioritize essential leads and determine which actions produce good results.

Furthermore, you can track the social media outreach effort you’ve sent to these leads with campaign analysis. Overall, Pipedrive consists of many beneficial features compiled in one central hub. If you are interested in using Pipedrive’s software, monthly pricing plans range from $12.50 to $49.17.

3. is a well-known project management software that aims to assist in customer processes and data management. Although it does not have many lead-specific features, this software is convenient for tasks and team management.’s software emphasizes a lot on its adjustability.

It allows you to customize your dashboard according to your preference and needs. This way, your team can seamlessly collaborate and share documents with other departments in just one workspace.

An upside that software has is the automated reminders feature. It can automatically reassign repetitive tasks and send notifications for deadlines. Integrations with other platforms like Slack and Google Drive are also made easy with

If you are interested in using’s software, you can choose one of four pricing plans. The Individual plan is free with limited access to the full features, but the Standard and Pro plan costs $10–$16 per month. If you are an enterprise looking to utilize this software, you can acquire it with the method of request for quotation (RFQ).

4. Zendesk

lead management software

Zendesk is one of the best CRM software to facilitate lead management. Firstly, using Zendesk will guarantee fewer administrative tasks such as logging lead progress and finding contacts.

With the Activity Tracking feature using Zendesk CRM lead management, you can track a lead’s engagement (call logs and emails) with your team so that you never forget to follow up on a lead. Your team can access this data from one centralized interface, which you can flexibly integrate with other existing platforms.

Zendesk also has a valuable feature called Lead Smart list, where the system can point out the highest value leads based on the lead’s contact details, behavior, and history. With this feature, you can drastically minimize the number of unsuccessful leads. Lastly, Zendesk provides comprehensive analytics so you can evaluate the process as a whole.

You can choose one of three pricing plans if you want to start using this software. The first is Sell Team at $19/month, then Sell Professional at $49/month, and Sell Enterprise at $99/month.

Read more: How Does CRM Software Benefit the Service Industry?

5. Hubspot

Hubspot CRM software is one of the lead management systems that give you the ability to have comprehensive insight into your sales pipeline in real time. This CRM software helps you efficiently manage contacts to connect with more leads without changing your existing workflow. If you choose to use this software, you can gain benefits in your lead management, such as:

    • Get instant notifications when a lead clicks on a link or opens an email that you sent
    • Send emails in bulk without being marked as spam
    • Arrange client meetings in just a few clicks
    • Monitor the email messages delivery
    • Log lead’s contact information automatically

Hubspot CRM software is free for those who want to dabble in its features. However, it is worth noting that without the paid plan, you could not get access to the full extent of its features. Many testimonies from the users stated that the free version offers minimal access to CRM.

If you’d like to explore the aforementioned features, there are three pricing plans you can consider. The most affordable one is the Starter plan at $45 per month. Then, there’s the Professional plan at $800 per month. Lastly, there’s the Enterprise plan at $3200 per month.

6. SalesMate

Approaching a lead requires different approaches. A personal touch in each communication can go a long way in creating a sustainable customer relationship. That is why SalesMate’s software provides ready-made email templates to make lead pursuing easier. SalesMate is a contact management software provider focused on building high-trust customer relationships, managing sales pipelines, and growing business faster with CRM.

With SalesMate, you can track and monitor lead conversations to ensure that you are always on the right track. Other than email templates, SalesMate’s software also has prebuilt sales reports you can customize according to your needs. 

One interesting feature of Salesmate is a built-in phone system and a power dialler you can use to communicate on that same platform. This feature is especially convenient for big enterprises where you do not have a lot of communication with other departments. Another great feature it offers is easy integration with over 700 third-party apps so that you can sync your data with less to no hassle.

7. ClickUp

ClickUp is one of the best CRM lead management tools to increase customer relationships and grow sales. As you might already know, landing a user on your page and getting them to be interested in your company is just the beginning of a lengthy lead-generation process.

ClickUp offers features such as lead tracking and email integration to help with precisely that. Email integration can fast-track your communication by syncing your email platform in ClickUp. After you send your email, you can track the progress of your leads, and the system will then analyze them for customer insights.

This feature is handy for monitoring your average deal sizes, customer lifetime value, and average customer behavior. However, it is worth noting that ClickUp does not offer many reporting features.

If you are also looking for assistance in reporting, you might want to integrate ClickUp with another application or software. Nevertheless, ClickUp offers an abundance of beneficial features in one compact platform. As for the pricing, you will have to pay a monthly cost starting from $56/month to $140 per month depending on your plan.

8. Keap

Keap provides all the foundational help to grow your business with its cloud-based lead management and CRM solution. This company firmly believes that improving your customer service experience can increase the number of successful leads. This software will automatically assign tasks, send bulk emails, and capture new leads for you. It will save the team’s time and effort to focus more on furthering their lead progress, you can get assistance in matters such as:

    • Creating a repeatable sales process
    • Making payments just by clicking one button
    • Creating pre-built reminder notifications
    • Automating email and text deliveries for follow-ups 
    • Providing smart forms to collect client data

9. Freshsales

lead management software

Freshsales’ CRM lead management software assists you in reaching out to various potential customers to increase your sales. Freshsales aids you in developing workflows and automating lead management every step of the way.

In the lead generation stage, the system can automatically add a person’s social media profiles and publicly available information to your contact list. Then, in the early stage, this software can provide a brief overview of the most important aspects of a lead. The lead information includes their name, company, and contact details. 

When the leads have been identified as sales-ready, lead contacts can be automatically assigned to specific team members thanks to the auto-assignment function. You can access this lead management from any device you have, including a mobile device.

Respond accordingly to analytics and make the most effective business decisions. With that said, it is also worth mentioning that these automated workflow features are only included in the Professional version. 

10. Zoho

Zoho CRM lead management software is a valuable tool that helps you manage leads with just one platform. With 15 years of experience in the CRM industry, Zoho understands that automating all aspects of your business can boost productivity. This software aims to streamline the lead development process so you can achieve just that.

It has an easy-to-use user interface, easy dashboard customization, and easy scheduling for any business activity. Moreover, like a few other CRM lead management, Zoho CRM can track current and future customer trends.

Zoho uses the reference data based on your successful lead conversion history to create the most accurate prediction. Zoho has a 15-day free trial option so that you can try out their features. After your free trial, you can use Zoho CRM software with a monthly price range of $14 to $52 billed annually.


Choosing the right Lead Management Software can be detrimental to the success of your leads development. If you don’t automate your lead management with CRM software, you run the risk of wasting precious time on manual tasks when you should be spending it pursuing leads.

Let your software system do the back-end process for you and focus on increasing your sales productivity. The best Lead Management System is the one that can give you all of the benefits mentioned above and more. HashMicro Lead Management System can cater to your needs by providing features to lessen your workload.

Whether organizing, scheduling, analyzing, or tracking, HashMicro CRM-leads software can make it more efficient for you. You will get a higher leads conversation rate, less labor exerted to do manual tasks, and easier integration with complementary systems such as purchasing.


Frequently Asked Questions About Lead Management Software

    • What is lead management system?

      Lead management system serves as a resourceful instrument or system designed to assist enterprises in overseeing and handling their leads across the entirety of the sales journey. This technology facilitates the monitoring of interactions, communications, and engagements with potential leads, all aimed at enhancing the conversion of leads into successful sales and optimizing overall sales performance.

    • How do you generate sales leads using lead management tools?

      To generate sales leads through lead management tools, you can utilize features of a sales lead management system or adopt tactics such as offering discounts, using website forms for inbound leads, promoting referrals, engaging in social selling and online ads, and outsourcing lead generation to specialists. These strategies help efficiently identify and nurture potential clients, contributing to customer base expansion.

    • How does lead management software differ from CRM lead management system?

      Lead management software focuses on guiding leads from generation to conversion, while CRM lead management system handles overall customer relationships.Moreover, lead tracking or management matches prospects with reps for higher closure, while CRM lead manages existing customers. They often integrate to convert buyers into loyal patrons. In short, lead management is a subset of CRM, which covers a broader range of customer activities.

    • What is the best way to manage leads?

      Optimal lead management involves adopting a dedicated customer relationship management (CRM) system tailored for this purpose. Such a system serves as the ideal approach to effectively monitor leads. It centralizes lead information, monitors interactions with leads, automates subsequent communications, and evaluates lead efficacy, all of which collectively refine your sales process for optimal results.

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