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      HomeQuick ReadsGet to know Top Management and Various Other Management Levels

      Get to know Top Management and Various Other Management Levels

      There are different types and sizes of companies with varying managers in different positions and at different levels of leadership and authority. Each level has its roles and responsibilities. But have you ever heard the terms top, middle, or low management? it is a company’s direction level. They have roles and tasks that are pretty important in a company. Of course, the highest level is top management.

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        Although we often hear it, do we know what the term is? What important role does the top-level have? Check out the following article for a complete explanation.

        Definition of The Top Management 

        top management
        source: proprofs

        The definition of top management is the top-level direction that has the highest authority in an organization/company and is directly responsible to the owner of the company or shareholder. In addition, they have more authority than the other two direction levels because they focus more on a more conceptual company work area and determine the direction of strategy and vision for better company development.

        Therefore, this upper level has the right to dismiss other senior directions at lower levels.

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        The people behind Top Management

        As we have seen, it is often also referred to as the executive officer, who has the highest authority in a company or organization. In addition, they are fully responsible to the business owner.

        An executive search firm specializes in identifying and recruiting top-level executives for companies or organizations, ensuring they find the most qualified candidates to serve as the highest authority within the company. The following is a review of who enters top-level:

        CEO (Chief Executive Officer) 

        The Chief Executive Officer/CEO is someone who acts as an intermediary between managers and directors or investors. This person will be responsible for developing a market plan that will enable the company to achieve its goals. They do not directly regulate the company’s day-to-day activities but instead make decisions and determine its goals, strategies, guidelines, and business plans.

        CIO (Chief Information Officer)

        After that, the CIO is the company executive responsible for the management, implementation, and use of information technology/computer equipment and tools. CIOs also highly expect companies to ensure the availability, accuracy, and security of information that companies need to achieve their business goals.

        CFO (Chief Financial Officer)

        Next, the CFO is the person who handles all the company’s financial affairs, such as planning, recording, and finances. In addition, the CFO is also responsible for tracking cash flow and financial planning and analyzing the company’s financial strengths and weaknesses along with suggesting corrective actions.

        President/Main Director

        The main director is in the highest position in the company and is responsible for directing all activities of the organization/company. 

        That’s a review of the positions we usually find in it. Of course, each branch will have top-level management in a company with a decentralized system or with many branches in various regions.

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        Top Management Duties

        Generally, the main task of top-level managers is to plan the activities and strategies of the company in general and guide the direction of the organization/company. The detailed functions that must be carried out include:

        • Leading the organization/company
        • Making plans, especially strategic planning of the organization
        • Determining the organization’s strategic goals and basic policies
        • Formulating the strategy that the organization will carry out
        • Directing, managing, and supervising the managers under it
        • Maximize all human resources capital or assets owned by the company
        • Building organizational/company work culture

        Differences in Top, Middle, and Low Management

        top management

        Top management

        Of course, we already know that this level of management carries out conceptual leadership. The top executives of the organization do not worry about the day-to-day technical problems of the company. However, it is responsible for setting organizational plans, strategies, and guidelines. Use CRM Software to analyze and create better strategies in marketing for your company. Get complete visibility into your lead management and easier in identifying potential prospects 

        Middle management 

        Middle-level managers are assigned to implement the division plan that has been prepared by the top direction. Mid-level executives must have the operational skills to manage a department or branch. It is also responsible for lower-level. They become liaisons and communicators between upper and lower directions.

        Low management 

        This level of company management is at the bottom of the structure, thus supervising other managers. Directs staff directly and is responsible for managing and instructing employees in business operations.


        Enough of this discussion about the definition of top management. With this article, readers are expected to understand and how they can have an essential role in a company. So that one day, if we already have a high position that is equivalent to the top level, we will already know the general picture of what the job is like.

        Of course, the top-level direction has a vital role in supporting the business. However, the effectiveness of business support can be helped by good EVA HRIS Software. EVA HRIS has the feature to automate administrative tasks, calculate salary and taxes, manage leave and attendance, etc. Schedule a free demo now to experience the transformational power it brings to your operations.

        Chandra Natsir
        Chandra Natsir
        A content writer with a strong interest in writing and technology. Chandra is dedicated to writing useful, entertaining, and relevant information for readers, and he continues to develop content that connects and inspires them.

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