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HomeSoftware/BusinessThings You Need to Know about Internet of Things (IoT)

Things You Need to Know about Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things or IoT simply refers to the network, internet of a device or device. IoT can make the world smarter and communication easier by using digital technology and physical devices. This is an invention that is currently still evolving because it has many and varied functions to support performance without cable or wireless. Do you realize that the technology in fiction films is now popping up and getting developed by scientists? Most of these scientists use the concept of IoT. So, what is IoT or Internet of Things?


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Understanding the Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things or IoT is a concept or program where an object can transmit data over the internet network without the help of computers and human devices. The concept or program usually uses sensors, software, or other technology with the aim of the object being able to send data to other devices or systems using the internet network. These objects can range from small things around you to sophisticated industrial equipment.

Because of IoT, infinite communication can happen to everyone through the intermediary of objects. With many low-cost systems, cloud, big data, and mobile technologies, all devices can share as well as collect data. As users, humans will be only slightly involved in the implementation process. Right now, systems can monitor, record, and adjust all interactions between connected things.


Benefits of the Internet of Things (IoT)

After knowing what the Internet of Things is, you must have realized how useful IoT is for human life. The objects that communicate with each other are very efficient because the machine does not need a break and can work 24 hours a day, while humans need time off. The work of the object is also noted automatically in detail and you can manage it remotely, saving energy and time. Remote management certainly makes work easier and saves on operational costs and can also facilitate business planning.

Not just a tool, the Internet of Things is a new technology solution in a business that will give new visibility in the business. With IoT, you can find out the condition of your business in real-time. Such as monitoring internet data usage at business branches and providing internet traffic control at the head office. Other benefits can be in the form of Asset Performance Management (APM). IoT can show visibility of the physical condition of an asset such as temperature, humidity, lighting, and also the location of the asset. This visibility can make communication within the company based on real-time data from IoT. You can also use Asset Management Software to help you manage your assets.

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IoT Examples in the Business Sector

Many businesses or companies use the Internet of Things or IoT to facilitate all processes that occur in their business. These are the following examples of the application of IoT in several business sectors:

  • Real-time environmental monitoring

By monitoring the environment in real-time, you can see the movement of all types of businesses efficiently. This system is usually used to determine the current availability of materials.

  • Infrastructure management

Examples include integrated transportation modes and the existing MRT in Jakarta. This rapid transit transportation system uses IoT in its system. The purpose of using IoT in the system is to detect the condition of the train track and whether it is feasible or not so that the railroad gate will open by itself without waiting for officers to open it.

  • Equipment sensors

Usually, to buy fuel or equipment consumption, companies only use experience and logic without being able to confirm in real-time. But as IoT evolves, companies now can see which equipment needs refueling and fuel stocks. This all can happen because of the sensors in each piece of equipment that provide information to the operator.

  • Gain insights

You can also gain insights from IoT through data from the Internet of Things. Also, you can use this data as an aid to better manage your business. You can also use this data to see new business models or revenue.

  • Increase efficiency and productivity of business operations

With IoT, you can easily connect the physical business world to the digital world to save time. By cutting that time you mean increasing efficiency and making business operations productivity faster. You can also make your business operations more efficient with an HR System from HashMicro.


Some Examples of Industries That can Implement Internet of Things (IoT)

These are following are examples of industries that use IoT in their business activities:

1. Automotive

IoT is very useful for the automotive industry. In addition to implementing the Internet of Things in all production processes, the automotive industry also uses sensors that can detect failures in a vehicle. The sensor is also useful for warning the driver in detail. With the IoT, every automotive manufacturer or distributor will be able to learn more about how to maintain a car and consumers can get complete information about the vehicle.
Not only that, you can also manage your inventory with Inventory Management Software.

2. Manufacturing

Manufacturing companies are one of the most benefited from the implementation of IoT. With the Internet of Things, companies can monitor production lines so they can perform proactive maintenance on equipment when device sensors detect a failure. The sensor will be useful for measuring with certainty when there is a production interruption. With the help of these sensors, companies can quickly overcome these problems. Sensors will help companies minimize operational costs, and more efficient working time, as well as improve asset management performance.

Related Article: 7 Ways to Improve Efficiency at Your Manufacturing Plant

3. Retail

Retail companies are helped by the existence of IoT because it requires inventory management, improving the consumer shopping experience, maximizing the supply chain, and also minimizing the company’s operational costs. For example, placing a smart shelf that has a weight sensor so it can automatically collect and provide information on the stock of the item. Also, you can use CRM-Sales which can help you increase sales effectively.

Conclusion of IoT

Internet of Things (IoT) is a communication solution between machines that can help businesses. 24-hour connectivity, as well as various automated features, make IoT an effective solution for monitoring and managing business remotely. You can divert company resources to other things because many things have been helped by the Internet of Things.
One of the IoT applications that you can implement is the ERP system from HashMicro. ERP system is part of IoT that can make your business operations more effective and efficient. HashMicro provides an ERP system that integrates directly with IoT so that you can monitor your business in real-time. You can also view all information from various parties only through the ERP system including supply chain, inventory management, and much more. Schedule a free demo now to experience the transformational power it brings to your operations.


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Chandra Natsir
Chandra Natsir
A content writer with a strong interest in writing and technology. Chandra is dedicated to writing useful, entertaining, and relevant information for readers, and he continues to develop content that connects and inspires them.

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