Easily Track, Manage, and Save Your Documents with Document Management System

Switch to a paperless system by using a document management system. Share any video, e-book, and other documents digitally easily and swiftly.

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Philippines' No. 1 Document Management System

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Singapore's Best CRM & Lead Management System

Environment Friendly

Long gone are the old ways of document sharing. Start using a cloud server to share any kind of document without using any paper.

document management system

Faster Search

Searching for the document you need will be faster. Find it with a single click!

document management software
dms singapore

Accessible from anywhere
and anytime you need

Need a document while you’re out in the field? No problem. You can get it straight from your cellphone or laptop.

document management singapore

Guaranteed Security

Says who cloud server is not safe? Our document management system guarantees your document safety with layered encryption.

Main Features of Document Management System

document management system

Folder & Subfolder

Grouping documents in folders and subfolders and keeping them under the same category becomes easier.

document management software

Document & File

Manage your important files in a centralized location for easier access for those who need them.

dms singapore

File Review and
Lock Management

Make it easier for all of your employees to give any input about the documents you created for them.

document management singapore

Access Management

Make a limit on who can access a file based on their authority or position in your company.

document management system

Versioning and
Timeline Management

Update your documents to the latest version easily and swiftly directly from the system.

document management software

Expiry Management

Notify the document holder automatically, e.g., the one who holds the vehicle registration certificate, that the expiry date is closing and has to be renewed soon.

Document Management Software Integration


With the timesheet system integrated, it will be easier to track the expiry date of every company’s document.

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Asset Management

Manage documents related to the company’s assets within one integrated system.

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Frequently asked questions about our software solutions.

We provide various types of support, from free consultations and blueprints to training and user manuals, ensuring that your software is runs smoothly.
Our solutions are very comprehensive and designed for 15 industries. Our ERP system offers unlimited user licenses. Therefore, it can be used by everyone in your company at no additional cost.
We provide ready-made software that continually improves our development team. However, our software can also be tailored to meet the unique requirements of each of our clients.
Yes, our software has a mobile version to help you run your business better. Our mobile apps cover various functions, depending on the modules you are using.
HashMicro is web-based ERP software that can be run through the internet on any mobile device via any web browser.
We use PostgreSQL database management system, which ensures data security and scalable performance for many of simultaneous users.
We use Python, one of the most popular programming languages, to develop our software programs.
HashMicro Philippines

Unit 707. 7th Floors, One Park Drive, 11 Drive Corner 9th Avenue, BGC, Taguig, Philippines

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document management software?

Document Management Systems (DMS) refer to the use of a computer system and software to store, manage, and track electronic documents, as well as electronic files of paper-based information that has been scanned.

Document management software makes it easier for organizations to create, share, and store documents. Through document sharing, editing, commenting, as well as document search, image capture, and access management, professionals can collaborate more effectively.

Document management software (DMS) is utilized to oversee the life cycle of documents at each stage. DMS electronically manages documents, starting with draft versions that are reviewed, published, stored, and ultimately deleted or destroyed.

Sensitive information is often present in company documents and must be kept secure. However, manual procedures essentially offer no security protection. These systems are relatively easy to access, and confidential information can be obtained from them. The document management system can be safeguarded in various ways so that anyone requesting access would need to provide identification, restricting access to those who have been granted permission. It also depends on the level of searchability and accessibility you desire for your documents.

When using paper and going through your team's inevitable editing process, it might be challenging to determine whether the document you are handling represents the most recent or final version. Discovering that the paper you spent the most time working on is an outdated version can be incredibly frustrating. Utilizing document management systems with a technological focus will make it easy to resolve this issue. These systems provide tools, with the necessary access permissions, that can track all modifications made to a document and inform you about who made specific modifications or when.

There is always a significant risk that human errors will occur while manually filing paper documents, potentially resulting in a document being filed under the wrong name or getting lost entirely. With a document management system, you can easily find all your files. There are various techniques to recover deleted data, even in the worst-case scenario of someone erasing the document.

Data breaches have become an issue that every company must manage and take precautions against. Document management systems can securely store your documents, guarding against unauthorized handling, theft, fire, and espionage.

A document management system can ensure that every Word document, Excel spreadsheet, PowerPoint presentation, and email signature conforms to your company's corporate design guidelines. With only a few clicks, administrators and/or the team can centrally produce any changes and apply them company-wide.

By using document management software, companies can spend less time managing and securing massive volumes of scanned and digital assets. They can effectively track document modifications and promptly deliver documents to the right approvers and reviewers.

Document management systems have five types: Content Management, Workflow Management, Record Management, Document Imaging, and Enterprise Content Management.

The use of computer systems and software to store, manage, and track electronic documents and electronic images of paper-based information obtained through the use of document scanners is known as document management, also referred to as a document management system (DMS).

The document management application is useful to improve the company's management of various confidential electronic documents. This application can increase document security, thereby reducing the risk of data leakage.

Commercial property costs are expanding, and so is the cost to store paper reports. A software-based DMS that can diminish the requirement for record cabinets, boxes, and storage canisters could be a valuable asset to any enterprise, freeing up precious office space. Documents that have to be kept as hard copies can often be stored in less costly locations, such as an offsite warehouse or vault.

Looking for and retrieving documents can be exceptionally time-consuming - and we all know time is money. The ordinary office worker spends an estimated 30% to 40% of their day searching for printed documents, whereas companies, on average, spend $20 in labor to file a document, $120 in labor to find a misfiled document, and $220 in labor to copy a misplaced document. These unnecessary document management costs limit a company's budget, obstruct productivity, and restrain growth potential.

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