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Organize Your Mining Business in One Dashboard

Effectively manage the whole mining operation, from OB removal, crushing, to barging, with one integrated dashboard.

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Real Time Cost Control from Start to End

Control your entire project budget with comprehensive financial calculations starting from payroll, fuel, WIP, assets, to sales.

Minimize Operational Mistakes and Maintain Productivity

Improve mining process performance evaluations and productivity by thoroughly monitoring the daily production record.

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No Worries, Be Productive

Optimize mining activities with accurate weather forecast information, asset usage, and mining area conditions.


Monitor the efficiency of all mining processes, encompassing extraction, transportation, and material processing in real-time.

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Expand the reach of your mining business with the support of HashMicro Mining Software, equipped with a user-friendly and easy-to-use dashboard

Find Your Solutions

Make it easier to track and control mining progress with the help of comprehensive project monitoring in every stages Program Mining

Monitor asset maintenance comprehensively in a centralized system and make it easy to track assets in various locations accurately Aplikasi Pertambangan

Improve the accuracy of your mining company's financial calculations, automate bookkeeping, and create complete financial reports in seconds Aplikasi Pertambangan

Monitor the KPIs of hundreds of employees in one place and simplify the calculation of employee salaries or overtime automatically Aplikasi Pertambangan
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Improve the Efficiency of Your Mining Business Management with the Most Advanced Mining ERP Software

HashMicro Mining Software features can optimize mining business processes easily and efficiently

Aplikasi Mining

Dashboard Menu

Overview of the mining process in one dashboard

Comprehensive Visibility in One Dashboard

Simplify complex mining business workflows and practically manage weekly or monthly production planning.

Aplikasi Mining

Project Controls

Make it easy to track the performance of mining projects

Project Monitoring Efficiency

Manage the entire mining site efficiently by monitoring any project progress through one integrated platform.

Aplikasi Mining

Weather Monitoring

Monitor weather conditions in the field in real time

Forecast of Weather Conditions

Check the weather forecast at each mine site automatically to ensure maximum productivity in mining production.

Aplikasi Mining

Inventory System

Simplify the mining inventory system efficiently

Stock Control and Inventory

Maintain adequate stocks in inventory to keep the mining production going everyday with stock control notifications.

Aplikasi Mining

Vehicle Management

Optimize comprehensive vehicle management

Vehicle Conditions Maintenance

Make it easy to add fuel logs to mining project vehicles and create a maintenance timeline automatically

Program Mining

Asset Monitoring

Effectively monitor mining company assets

Effectiveness of Asset Monitoring

Set up asset management from different locations in seconds and determine the actualization of expenses per asset

Program Mining

WIP Calculation

Simplify the control of production costs practically

Calculation of the Production Process

Calculate the overall cost of mining Work in Progress (WIP) automatically and generate financial reports instantly

Program Mining


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What is Mining Software from HashMicro?

Mining software is a software that is able to integrate the entire process in mining and assist companies in managing them. Mining software is also useful for processing various important things such as the distribution of mining employees' salaries and mining equipment management.

Data mining software is a type of programming that analyzes event log data from enterprise applications to learn how business processes are actually operating. The goal of process mining software is to identify bottlenecks and other areas of inefficiency so that they can be improved.

A modern solution for managing mining operations with Mining software specifically designed for mining project management, inventory, machine and employee maintenance, to weather forecasting for maximum mining production.

When choosing the best mining software, there are many things that must be considered, starting from the completeness of software features, business type, data security, to software integration with other systems that can support the company.

Mining software has various features to support business efficiency, such as Dashboard menus for complex workflows and mining activities, Weather monitoring to find out weather forecasts, and Asset Monitoring to monitor various assets owned by mining companies. Apart from that, there are also financial management features, inventory systems, and project monitoring.

The management of companies that are very difficult, especially in the field of mining makes them need important software that can facilitate mining management to be more effective, efficient, and optimal

1. Full project control
Using mining software in your mining business can help you take full control of your project, allowing you to reduce risk more effectively. Indeed, the mining software includes features that allow you to follow the production process in real-time. In addition, the process of creating a project schedule becomes easier and generates a complete project report.

2. Simplify financial procedures
As we all know, the mining industry requires significant investment to be successful. Using the right mining software can help streamline your mining company's financial management processes. This is due to the ability of mining software to provide accurate financial forecasts to businesses, track project profits or losses, and generate financial reports instantly and comprehensively.

3. Effective staff management
The HashMicro Mining software also has features to effectively manage the company's human resources. The mining activity requires a lot of human resources and this makes it difficult for the company to control all the work of the existing staff. Several things can be done using the software, namely mining companies can more easily monitor employee KPIs and automatically calculate salaries based on achieved KPIs. Moreover, the software also helps to simplify the process of recruiting employees so that it is faster. Apart from this, you can also use the best HRM system from HashMicro to be able to control the KPI of the workers.

4. Effective Asset Management
Mining companies can effectively manage assets using HashMicro Mining software, which includes features to monitor company assets. Additionally, the location of company assets can be easily tracked and a centralized asset database is available. Additionally, the system can accurately calculate the depreciating asset."

1. HR planning
Allocate human resources in every mining project easily and accurately through reporting features, time tracking, and statistical tools.

2. Scheduling Management
Manage project work schedules and estimate HR needs so that project work can run according to the timeline.

3. Monitor the overall mining project.

4. Control the condition of assets in real-time.

5. Weather Forecasting
Anticipate disruptions to exploration and mining activities due to bad weather with accurate weather forecasts.

6. Comprehensive Financial Report.
Simplify the process of calculating all mine production cost reports as a whole in one smart dashboard

Automate monitoring of your mining projects through a comprehensive Mining App to keep it well controlled and make it easy to track progress and work.

Monitor asset maintenance comprehensively and make it easy to accurately track assets across multiple locations with Centralized Mining Software.

Improve the accuracy of your mining company's financial calculations and bookkeeping automation and create complete financial reports in seconds.

Monitor the KPI of hundreds of employees on one screen and simplify the calculation of employee salaries and overtime automatically through the Most Advanced Mining Management Application.
HashMicro Malaysia



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