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      HomeIndustriesHash Construction SuiteThe Influences and Prospects of Automation in Construction

      The Influences and Prospects of Automation in Construction

      The term “automation” in construction may bring you the idea of the usage of machines or robots taking over employment. However, it is far more complicated and extends much further. The impact of automation in construction, for example, on career opportunities is anticipated to be less significant than the increase in productivity. Indeed, automation has the potential to shape the direction of the industry, together with other factors, such as the need for a reasonable price for newly constructed and modernized infrastructure. But here lies the challenge, how to anticipate and prepare for that change? Especially by creating new skills in the existing and future workforce? The answer to this question is, Construction Management Systems will be the key to achieve that.

      Automation in construction brings the digital revolution to the construction industry with the help of Al-powered Construction Systems. The building and construction industry continues to develop and use automation in every operational activity, including automation of digital design and analysis processes, as well as the creation of construction documentation and, ultimately, the act of building and construction itself.  Having stated that, it’s finally the time for construction workers to say goodbye doing tasks manually. In this article, let’s learn more about it by discussing the influences, impacts, and prospects of construction automation software within the industry. As well as the pricing scheme to know how much the software costs. 

      Also read: Reasons Why You Need Construction Management App.


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        The Definition of Automation for Construction

        One main advantage of construction automation software is the possibility of a significant increase in productivity. Automation for construction means the methods, techniques, equipment, analysis processes, and even the process of building itself using automated workflows. Automation in construction means automating all the operational tasks from the building’s inception to completion. Beginning with the software-based design, then automated components (off-site and on-site construction), and concluding with data exchange on the systems and energy use of completed buildings. The all-in-one solution for those tasks is cloud-based construction software.

        In sum, automation in construction refers to using tech and machines capable of performing human tasks more efficiently and effectively. Integrating machines, systems, and equipment with Al-powered construction systems by HashMicro is the definition of automation in building construction. 

        The Impacts of Automation on Builders

        using automation can give impact and influence the workers or builders in the construction industry

        Shifting into modular construction off-site may have a significant impact on the builders’ workforce in the construction industry; however, such a shift will take decades to implement. Using machines to produce individual components is much simpler than manually on-site. Much of the work in the construction industry is still performed manually; however, as the project grows in size and scope, automation will take over the work. While the market is expanding, the process is gradual, and many on-site activities will remain relatively unpredictable. This can be challenging if you don’t use construction systems to simplify construction activities. So, what’s the impact of using automated software on the builders?

        1. Work alongside machines

        There is a possibility that machines or robots will dominant and take over the individual tasks of the builders in the future. Hence, workers or builders need to learn how to work alongside machines or in hybrid roles. For example, at least know how to use a mobile app or tablet to access building plans or fly a drone instead of performing a physical site walkthrough. The best construction management system enables worker to work together with advanced robots or machines in a centralized platform. 

        2. Project scope management

        The most comprehensive construction management software will ensure that the project’s progress will go according to plan. It is possible for the workers to monitor the project’s progress and obtain an accurate picture of the time, effort, and costs involved in doing so in real-time. Not only can it increase builders’ productivity during operational activities, but it also manages to keep the costs fit the budget. In addition, workers may also track and simplify the management of various construction documents to ensure the project goes as planned.

        3. Job assignments

        The construction industries typically work on multiple projects at the same time. For each project, there will be a delegation that will be in charge of it from the beginning to the end. Therefore, it is essential to use the right construction system. Such a system helps centrally manage the delegation of responsibilities for employees in charge of several construction projects.

        Also read: Revolutionize Industry with The Construction ERP Software.

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        download skema harga software erp

        Automation in the Future’s Construction Industry

        Automation or Al-powered software will boost productivity and economic growth, but people of the world may need to change jobs or update their skills during the industry transformation into adapting tech-based. Especially in the construction industry, there is a possibility that machines or robots will replace human, but with upgrade skills, they will be assigned new jobs that require new expertise or work together along with tech.

        For the construction industry’s future, there are at least three main economic effects brought by construction automation software. These effects are as follows: 

        1. The possibility for labor displacement into machines or robots. An automated system will minimize human error. 
        2. As well as the possibility to increase labor productivity. Businesses will only use automation if doing so allows them to create more or higher-quality output with the same amount of or fewer inputs (including material, energy, and labor inputs). 
        3. Possibly, the usage of automation will lead to more economic investment, accelerating short-term GDP growth.

        Automation’s Influence on Construction Worker Wages

        It’s a fact that automation software will enhance productivity in the long term, which also significantly raises wages for those with advanced or upgraded skills. Workers with more upgraded skills will be in higher demand, and as a result, industries will need them and offer higher wages. Meanwhile, those with no upgraded skill will be in lower demand, which may slow their wage growth. This skills transition period can last for a decade or longer.

        How Does the Industry Handle the Skills Transition?

        Automation in the construction industry will lead to a widening skills gap, as in every other sector. Even if the company using robots to move bricks, they still needs workers to be able to operate and manage heavy equipment. Therefore, the industry requires a considerable increase in workers’ skills and physical expertise. But where exactly will the workers learn such skills? Advanced construction automation systems require workers to upgrade their skills. Therefore, it needs support from the public sector, private sector, and industry to assist employees in their skills transition or development.

        How does the industry handle skill transition? Using automation software appears to have a bright and promising future. However, it doesn’t mean that there won’t be work to do to get the workforce ready for changing demands. The industry will indirectly improve worker productivity, wages, and prepare them to meet market demand.

        Also read: Construction Planning? 5 Ways to Make Perfect Process. 

        So, What is the Right Automated Software for Your Construction Business?

        the right construction software to simply and manage operational activities is HashMicro

        As stated earlier, automation in construction means using technology or machines to do human work quicker and easier. Developing customizable construction automation software is an intelligent solution that offers many beneficial all-in-one features to assist construction tasks. The right one you should choose is HashMicro Construction Software. It provides an excellent features for seamless and efficient construction management, including project, tender, and contract. The software designed to simplify various construction company activities, inventory management, and staff management. A good thing is, it has an easy-to-use interface and high security. Download the pricing scheme to calculate the price, or learn more about HashMicro Construction Software by trying our free demo here. 


        HashMicro is a software development and enterprise resource planning (ERP) company. Consequently, we often provide articles about ERP and other systems that all businesses need.

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