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      HomeProductsSupply Chain4 Supply Chain Problems in the Company and Its Solutions

      4 Supply Chain Problems in the Company and Its Solutions

      You will need to be able to move raw materials or products to fulfill your role as a provider of goods and services. This activity is a vital component of the supply chain, which plays a significant role in the operational operations that you have to carry out.

      It is possible to think of the supply chain as a bridge that allows the products and services that you have created to pass from your hands into those of your customers and other suppliers. Collaboration, information distribution, order delivery, and order tracking are all supply chain operations that a company does.

      These activities vary from one another and are not limited to only the distribution of raw materials or finished goods. However, a company’s supply chain is plagued with inefficiencies the vast majority of the time. Though the cost used is quite a lot, which is about 25% of operational costs.

      As a result of poor supply chain management, data is missing as it moves from one entity to the next, and it can cause inefficiency. The potential for a significant loss exists if this error continues to crop up regularly. As a result, you need a remedy to fix the issue.

      Key Takeaways

      • The supply chain is crucial for businesses as it facilitates the movement of raw materials and products, bridging the gap between producers and consumers. It encompasses various operations like collaboration, information distribution, order delivery, and tracking.
      • Effective supply chain management ensures smooth operations, reliable distribution, and meeting market demands. It involves handling activities like planning, sourcing, production, distribution, warehousing and returns efficiently.
      • Utilizing supply chain software, such as HashMicro solution, can address various supply chain challenges. The software integrates information, minimizes human error, facilitates timely delivery, offers real-time tracking, and provides access to detailed reports.
      • A well-managed supply chain is essential for business success. Supply chain activities encompass numerous tasks and require coordination and monitoring.

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        Supply Chain in a Company

        The planning, managing, and traveling of goods flows are all part of the supply chain activity. Generally speaking, this is an action as a product supplier in the operating activities of your company. Every time you create or make a product, there will be supply chain activities.

        Supply chain activities include planning, input sources such as raw materials from suppliers, transforming raw materials into finished items, distribution, warehousing, payment of goods, and others till product return services. Because of how important it is to market a supply.

        The goal of good supply chain management is to ensure that the chain can operate effectively and reliably and that distribution is carried out in a manner that puts the right products in the hands of customers and vendors. Effective supply chain management can meet the market’s current demand.

        Supply Chain Problems in a Company

        company supply chain

        Supply chain activity is frequently a problem because of the large variety of activities it includes. The biggest concern is the inefficiency that arises, which will impede the distribution of a product.

        A company’s supply chain is a vital operational function that affects customer value. Because of this, you must avoid supply chain issues in your business. Here are some of the most common supply chain problems, so you can be more aware of your business:

        1. Inventory mismanagement

        Every business needs to keep track of its inventory. Due to the enormous amount of commodities traveling through the supply chain, the company often mismanages the inventory. There are times when the recording of entering and outgoing items is inaccurate, resulting in inaccurate financial statements.

        As a result, warehouses will be overflowing with raw materials and finished goods, or there may be shortages altogether. If it is stored for too long in a warehouse, a product that has an expired period will be damaged.

        2. High logistics costs

        Inefficiency also results from the miss of information from one entity to another. Because you can’t integrate the data from each entity immediately, stock supply is frequently subject to inaccuracy.

        In some cases, a lack of inventory causes transportation costs to skyrocket due to the need to restock. In addition, there will be delays in the distribution of commodities and raw materials. As a result of delivery delays, a company’s losses increase.

        3. Difficulties in Sales and Operation Planning (SOP)

        Inaccurate information might also hurt sales predictions. When it comes to making decisions, the report of every demand and sale becomes a crucial factor to consider.

        It will be difficult to estimate consumer demand by the market and the company’s demands if reports are not accurate and do not reflect field conditions. The planning of labor and transportation preparation as well as operational activities are also connected to this issue.

        4. Customer service is decreasing.

        After all, customer satisfaction is the main thing. Companies that can meet the needs of their customers by delivering the things they need become an added value. Incorrect consumer requests might affect your company’s market value.

        As a result, inventory management errors that result in damage to the items will hurt the quality of the product that you need to ship.

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        Solutions to Solve Supply Chain Problems

        It’s important to find solutions to supply chain concerns before they become large problems with detrimental consequences. One solution that can solve all these problems is to use Software Supply Chain from HashMicro. This software can integrate the information you need during supply chain activities.

        Here are the benefits of supply chain software for your company:

        • HashMicro’s supply chain software can integrate with a wide variety of different systems, including CRM software, inventory management, and so on. Because these systems make use of software, they will make it possible for you to view the data from the field in greater detail.
        • One of a company’s most critical functions is the management of its warehouses. Controlling warehouse activities and warehouse elements can be done using the best supply chain software from HashMicro. All information may be integrated, so human error is minimized.
        • Companies that can deliver products to customers promptly will have added value. Using HashMicro’s supply chain software, you can deliver promptly and also do real-time tracking. This benefit can streamline your product monitoring work until it reaches the hands of customers.
        • Access to real-time reports is another advantage of HashMicro’s supply chain software. Market demand, sales, shipments, and more are all included in this report, which is updated in real time. In the future, you can use this report as a guide for your sales and marketing strategy.
        • The features of supply chain software from HashMicro consist of procurement management, inventory management, order management, and so on. You can access all your supply chain information with this feature.


        A supply chain is one of the main operations when you operate a business. This activity includes many things, ranging from shipping goods to consumers, information systems, order tracking, collaborative planning, and others.

        A good supply chain is a supply chain that can run professionally and also effectively. Thus, you need supply chain management so that the series of activities remains coordinated and monitored. Problems often occur due to small error errors when supply chain activities are running.

        Logistics problems, inventory management, warehousing, and misinformation are just some of the issues that might arise. To avoid future damage to your business, you have to fix this issue as well. One way to do this is to use software to integrate your supply chain system.

        Your supply chain can benefit from integrated information. Try out the free demo here and get the software.

        HashMicro is a software development and enterprise resource planning (ERP) company. Consequently, we often provide articles about ERP and other systems that all businesses need.

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